Kelly MacLeod

Psychic Medium &

Transformational Bad Ass

Are You Ready

To Delve Into And Nurture

Your Psychic And Spiritual Capabilities?

I designed The Psychic Immersion Program™ to dissolve any intuitive barriers you are facing.

This program will alter and amplify your DNA frequency, providing you with the tools to easily

and effortlessly comprehend, apply, and enhance your intuitive skills and gifts.

Schedule your FREE "Psychic Immersion Discovery Call" and let's find out if this signature program is right for you!

Are You Ready To Unlock Your Intuition and Spiritual Gifts?

The Psychic Immersion Program™ Is Your Key to Clear Your

Intuitive Blocks and Sharpen Your Psychic Senses!

DNA Activation & Clairvoyance

Session One - We initiate the process with DNA Activation, followed by a guided meditation and visualization designed to awaken the third eye, fostering the psychic ability of clairvoyance. As you embark on this inner journey, I carry out Quantum Clearing and Healing to remove any obstacles that might hinder the full activation of this innate skill within you.

Clairaudience & Hearing

Session Two -Our session begins with a guided meditation and visualization that sharpens your auditory awareness, tuning into the subtle sounds within and around you, to develop the psychic skill of clairaudience. As you engage in this, I proceed with Quantum Clearing and Healing, to eliminate any blockages that may prevent this ability within you.

Clairsentience & Feeling

Session Three - We commence with a guided meditation and visualization that hones in on your "gut instinct" and "inner knowing," nurturing the psychic gift of clairsentience, or clear feeling. While you delve into this process, I perform Quantum Clearing and Healing to dissolve any barriers that may impede the complete awakening of this natural talent within you.

Clairalience & Smelling

Session Four - Our session unfolds with a guided meditation and visualization crafted to enhance and sharpen your psychic sense of scent, awakening the gift of clairalience, or clear smelling. Throughout this immersive process, I conduct Quantum Clearing and Healing to clear away any blockages that might inhibit this innate ability within you.

Clairgustance & Tasting

Session Five - We begin this session with a guided meditation and visualization specifically designed to refine your psychic palate, nurturing the gift of clairgustance, or clear tasting. As you engage deeply in this process, I perform Quantum Clearing and Healing to eliminate anything that may prevent the full expression of this inherent skill within you.

Psychic Immersion Workshop

Session Six - Embark on a transformative four-hour journey where we'll weave together the various strands of your psychic talents to fully activate and synchronize them, enabling them to operate together as a whole. This workshop will equip you with straightforward techniques to identify and enhance your natural psychic capabilities.

If Spirit has been tapping you on the shoulder and you are ready

to embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment, schedule your

FREE "Psychic Immersion Discovery Call"

and find out if this signature program is right for you!

Hi, I'm Kelly

I started to do readings but with some reservation due to my religious upbringing. To many, what I

was doing was considered wrong. It wasn't until both of my grandparents had passed away that

I was shown the truth of what I was doing, and

that it was to become a blessing and not something to hide.

Just days after my grandparents had passed, I was doing a meditation and asking to connect with spirit guides and loved ones. I had a vision in my head that included both of my grandparents.

I was having a conversation with them and even though none of our mouths moved, I fully heard and understood everything that they were saying!

Many people would question this "vision" but I knew it was real because they "came through" at a much younger age... an age that I would only recognize from an old picture. I was amazed, shocked and stunned, but most of all, I felt a sense of awe!

For me, helping people connect with loved ones that have passed on is the greatest feeling in the world! I wake every day feeling grateful for having found my true purpose in life, something that many people will never understand.

This Is How My Journey AS A Psychic Medium Began:

When I was a little girl, I would just know things without having been told. I had my first near death experience at age 13 and as I got older, I began to see and experience events before they occurred.

Not being able to explain or comprehend what was happening caused me to fear what was to become my greatest gift. Like many, I pushed these feelings and emotions away until they no longer existed in my mind.

As an adult my interest in the Psychic and Paranormal began to grow once again. Now, older and more mature, I was no longer afraid and I began taking classes to develop what I had ignored for so long.

"You see, my Granny was the most religious and God fearing woman that I had ever known. She would have NEVER had gone against God's wishes and had "connected" with me if it were such an "evil" thing. This had to be the most healing event for me and from this, I learned that my true calling was to be a Medium, to help people connect with their loved ones in order to facilitate the healing process after a loss like this occurs. I am very humbled by the fact that God and the Spirit World would use me to be a part of an event that provides healing on so many levels.

I would say that the most satisfaction comes from knowing that I help make a difference both here on Earth and in the Spirit World."

Everyone is born with an "inner knowing."

Call it gut instinct, intuition or psychic ability, it's all the same.

Whether you choose to use it or not is a different story!

Empower Yourself: Embrace Personal Growth for a Life of Abundance and Fulfillment!

What Clients Have Said About

Their Experience With The

Psychic Immersion Program™

Natasha shares her thoughts and her profound results after working with

Kelly and her signature

Psychic Immersion Program™

"I started the Psychic Immersion Program and after the very first session which includes the DNA Activation, I began to notice a “golden glow” around my hands! I had never seen that before! It was exciting and my DNA has become more active and vibrating at a much higher frequency!"

Tami shares her psychic experiences and her amazing health results after working with Kelly and her signature

Psychic Immersion Program

"The Spiritual Gifts are awesome, but the Health Benefits have been AMAZING!

Once I got into "spiritual alignment" my sacrum slipped perfectly into place!"

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Copyright 2024 - Kelly Inspires - All Rights Reserved


PH: +1 586-524-0508
