Kelly MacLeod

Psychic Medium &

Transformational Bad Ass

Locate and Activate Your Inner Bad Ass NOW!

Transform your life from Broken to Bad Ass as you rediscover your purpose and your passion!

Step into your personal power... discover your Self Confidence, Self Worth and Self Esteem!

Your BEST LIFE is waiting for you!

Schedule your FREE "Bad Ass Breakthrough Call" and let's find out if this signature program is right for you!

How Does The

Transformational Bad Ass

Power Coaching Program™

Work and What Makes It So Effective?


I do NOT claim to be a medical doctor! My services and programs are not meant to be a substitute for medical or psychological treatment!!

We know that in order to create lasting change, we have to go beyond the conscious level of "talk therapy."

I think that therapy is great and can be very beneficial. There are some people that use therapy as a tool to heal on some level, but after a while, it can almost seem like it's a regular "bitch session" with a best friend.

My Transformational Bad Ass Power Coaching Program™ works on THREE levels to get to the root of the issue, to understand it, reframe it and then create a different, long lasting outcome. I will give you the tools to help support you with your new mindset and habits so you can create your BEST LIFE EVER!

Conscious Level

The first step of the program is to discuss the different areas that you would like to change in your life. We then intuitively tap in and work together to create a game plan and a "blueprint" as to the best way to create those changes.



The second step is to work on rewiring the subconscious mind, the thoughts, habits and patterns and create a new mindset with the help of hypnosis.

You will also learn how to do "self hypnosis" as well, and make it a part of your "toolbox"



The third step of the program is to use "Quantum Healing" to clear and heal the "energetic blocks" that are associated with the issue that we are currently working on at that moment. Tying all three levels in together is what makes the program so successful.

Hi, I'm Kelly

I was adrift, feeling utterly shattered and, in my darkest moments, even contemplated ending it all.

But there was a turning point. Lying in the bathtub, overwhelmed by tears and desperation, I realized I couldn't pull through alone. I sought the guidance of a life coach who helped me navigate through the storm of grief, rage, and agony. This journey ignited my drive to assist others in recovering from life's cruel blows and to transform their existence into one filled with love, joy, and a purpose-driven life, rich with passion. This is where I was.

I took the journey from Broken to Bad Ass, and I found my light. Now I'm ready to help You Locate and Activate Your Inner Bad Ass!

I understand the depths of despair, having been in your shoes.

Imagine "Rock Bottom" with an even lower level – that's where I found myself.

Once upon a time, I was brimming with joy, celebrating my first wedding anniversary, feeling like I had the world on a string. But then, tragedy struck – I lost my husband, and my life spiraled into chaos.

I watched helplessly as everything crumbled – my possessions, my financial security, my vehicle, my credit – all vanished. The losses kept coming: my husband, my dogs, my mother... The most devastating loss of all was losing myself, the most precious thing one can lose.

"Life Doesn't Get Better By CHANCE...

Life Get's Better By CHANGE!

You Have To Make The CHOICE, In Order To Make The CHANGE!"

Happiness Is A CHOICE!

Empower Yourself - Embrace Personal Development for a Life of Abundance and Fulfillment!

What Clients Have Said About Their Coaching Sessions

Dr. Karen Hamilton shares her life changing results after working with Kelly and her signature

"Transformational Bad Ass Power Coaching" program!

Yvonne shares her thoughts and her amazing results after working with Kelly and her signature

"Transformational Bad Ass Power Coaching" program!

Change Your Life TODAY!

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Copyright 2024 - Kelly Inspires - All Rights Reserved


PH: +1 586-524-0508
